I have worked with trotters and with riding horses because I have always been interested of both works. I´m happy that I did both because I learned a lot, but now ridinghorses and riding are more important to me. I was often stable manager and vet´s helper as well.
⦁ 1996-1999 competing at small level (jumping, dressage), groom (with trotters at races) and learning student at the riding and trotter stables in Finland.
⦁ 1999-2001 studys at Equine College Ypäjä, Finland.
⦁ 2001-2003 groom with trotters in Sweden short time, then longer at Scuderia Tenuta/ Ca´Brescia in Italy, Venice Jesolo Lido.
⦁ 2004-2007 rider (up to international shows 130cm), instructor (Italian Federation instructor since 2005) , barn manager in Circolo Ippico Prima Rosa at Eraclea Mare Venice, Italy.
⦁ 2007-2008 rider, instructor, groom in Holland by dealer Michel Van Der Knaap then in the stable of Geraldine Holtslagh. Also one summer season in restaurant Lo Sbarco Dei Pirati as waitress at Eraclea Mare, Italy.
⦁ 2009 rider (national shows), instructor at Centro Ippico Due Cavalli and by dealer Rango International with Alberto Zorzi at Padova, Italy.
⦁ 2010 waitress in the cafeteria of main library in Turku Finland.
⦁ 2011- entrepreneur with Golden Key company which offers horse services (riding services, lessons, dealing horses, showjumping, regional/national/international shows) and translation italian-finnish.
⦁ 2013 rider by Max Hauri in Switzerland in the winter then back to Finland.
⦁ 2014 seller of italian Alex´s Boots riding boots with Romitellishoes Srl at the shows around Europe (international 5* horse shows).
⦁ Equestrian Trainers Finland member and Finnish Federation trainer since 2014.
⦁ 2015 founder Golden Key Riders ry Association. It´s the ninth year of our association and we have grown in short time with many members. We organise small competitions of show jumping and dressage, jumping stage (with Giovanni Consorti and other riders) and many other nice and enjoyable things.
⦁ 2005- students from small to Finnish Championship, Regional, Team and Nordic Baltic Championship level.
⦁ Life school.
Valmistuttuani hevosenhoitajaksi Ypäjältä vuonna 2001, lähdin ulkomaille. Asuin ulkomailla 8 vuotta, ja palasin takaisin Suomeen kesällä 2009.
I can drive the small horsetruck.
Many years working in different places in europe was a goldmine, learned and created my own balance to ride and to teach. That´s how I created ”Golden Key” as well, the riding key.
Methods learned by great riders and now developed my own. My biggest idol is Michel Robert who dedicatec his book also to me with his great message for me to ride better my horse Drago when I was still in Italy on 2006.
As a rider to maintain horses rideability I´m soft, but, determinated. Reading horses body language and getting together, bonding is one of the most important thing.
I Love my work and I really want to go forward with my career and learn more as well.
Here some of my working history through the years until 2011 when I became an entrepreneur:
⦁ 1999-2001 studys at Equine College Ypäjä, Finland.
⦁ 2001-2003 groom with trotters in Sweden short time, then longer at Scuderia Tenuta/ Ca´Brescia in Italy, Venice Jesolo Lido.
⦁ 2004-2007 rider (up to international shows 130cm), instructor (Italian Federation instructor since 2005) , barn manager in Circolo Ippico Prima Rosa at Eraclea Mare Venice, Italy.
⦁ 2007-2008 rider, instructor, groom in Holland by dealer Michel Van Der Knaap then in the stable of Geraldine Holtslagh. Also one summer season in restaurant Lo Sbarco Dei Pirati as waitress at Eraclea Mare, Italy.
⦁ 2009 rider (national shows), instructor at Centro Ippico Due Cavalli and by dealer Rango International with Alberto Zorzi at Padova, Italy.
⦁ 2010 waitress in the cafeteria of main library in Turku Finland.
⦁ 2011- entrepreneur with Golden Key company which offers horse services (riding services, lessons, dealing horses, showjumping, regional/national/international shows) and translation italian-finnish.
⦁ 2013 rider by Max Hauri in Switzerland in the winter then back to Finland.
⦁ 2014 seller of italian Alex´s Boots riding boots with Romitellishoes Srl at the shows around Europe (international 5* horse shows).
⦁ Equestrian Trainers Finland member and Finnish Federation trainer since 2014.
⦁ 2015 founder Golden Key Riders ry Association. It´s the ninth year of our association and we have grown in short time with many members. We organise small competitions of show jumping and dressage, jumping stage (with Giovanni Consorti and other riders) and many other nice and enjoyable things.
⦁ 2005- students from small to Finnish Championship, Regional, Team and Nordic Baltic Championship level.
⦁ Life school.
Valmistuttuani hevosenhoitajaksi Ypäjältä vuonna 2001, lähdin ulkomaille. Asuin ulkomailla 8 vuotta, ja palasin takaisin Suomeen kesällä 2009.
Työskentelin erilaisilla myyntitalleilla pääasiassa Italiassa ja Hollannissa, ja jonkin verran myös Sveitsissä ja Ruotsissa. Kilpailin myös paljon kansainvälisellä
tasolla. Pienen kokoni vuoksi pystyin ratsastamaan pienempiäkin hevosia ja poneja, varsojen ja nuorten hevosten koulutus kuului jokapäiväiseen työhöni.
Suoritin ratsastuksenohjaajan tutkinnon Italiassa vuonna 2005. Olen opettanut suomen lisäksi myös englanniksi ja italiaksi. SRL I tason Valmentaja kurssi 2016. Yrittäjä hevosalalla vuodesta 2011 alkaen. Ratamestarikurssi kesken tällä hetkellä. Välivuosina Hollannissa kilpailemassa ja ratsastamassa Peelbergenissä ylläpitääkseni ammattitaitoni. SRL II tason Valmentaja kurssi käydään kun löytyy hevonen näyttöihin eli väh. 130 cm:n hyppääjää.
Vaikka vaikutankin tällä hetkellä Suomessa, käyn säännöllisesti ulkomailla hevosasioilla (hevoskaupat, klinikat, valmentautuminen, ym).
(c) Ramona Dragomir
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